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Ars versificandi et carminum condendorum Henrici Bebelij Iustingensis Poet[a]e Laureati: Quantitates syllabarum eiusdem. Racematio qu[a]edam ... pro maiori carminis condendi & exornandi declaratione

Bebel, Heinrich (1472-1518) [Autor/in]
Phorce: Anshelm, 1506
Book, Printed Resource - Bog. B - P, V ; 8-o (4-o)

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Ars versificandi et carminum condendorum Henrici Bebelij Iustingensis Poet[a]e Laureati: Quantitates syllabarum eiusdem. Racematio qu[a]edam ... pro maiori carminis condendi & exornandi declaratione
Uniform title: Ars condendorum carminum
Author / Contributor: Bebel, Heinrich (1472-1518) [Autor/in]
Publication: Phorce: Anshelm, 1506
Media Type: Book
Carrier Type: Printed Resource
Pagination: Bog. B - P, V ; 8-o (4-o)
Additional details:
  • Vermutlich Teildruck von: Henrichmann, Jakob: Grammatica (VD 16 H 1983)
  • hbz Verbund-ID: HT007479719

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