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University Libraries
3,207 Hits

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3,207 Hits

  1. Jörn-Steffen Pischke
    Mannheim: ZEW, 1991
    Book, Printed Resource
  2. Juergen Kaehler. [ZEW, Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH]
    Mannheim: ZEW, 1991
    Book, Printed Resource
  3. François Laisney
    Mannheim: ZEW, 1991
    Book, Printed Resource
  4. Richard Blundell ; François Laisney ; Michael Lechner. [ZEW, Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH]
    Mannheim: ZEW, 1991
    Book, Printed Resource
  5. Charles Blackorby ; François Laisney ; Rolf Schmachtenberg. [ZEW, Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH]
    Mannheim: ZEW, 1991
    Book, Printed Resource
  6. François Laisney ; Winfried Pohlmeier ; Matthias Staat
    Mannheim: ZEW, 1991
    Book, Printed Resource
  7. Alan B. Krueger ; Jörn-Steffen Pischke
    Mannheim: ZEW, 1992
    Book, Printed Resource
  8. Otto H. Jacobs ; Christoph Spengel
    Mannheim: ZEW, 1992
    Book, Printed Resource
  9. Dietmar Harhoff and Konrad Stahl
    Mannheim: ZEW, 1992
    Book, Printed Resource
  10. Michael Lechner ; Friedhelm Pfeiffer
    Mannheim: ZEW, 1992
    Book, Printed Resource
  11. Jörn-Steffen Pischke
    Mannheim: ZEW, 1992
    Book, Printed Resource
  12. Friedrich Heinemann
    Mannheim: ZEW, 1992
    Book, Printed Resource
  13. Otto H. Jacobs ; Christoph Spengel
    Mannheim: ZEW, 1992
    Book, Printed Resource
  14. Michael Lechner ; Friedhelm Pfeiffer ; Linda Giesecke O'Shea
    Mannheim: ZEW, 1992
    Book, Printed Resource
  15. Thorsten Geib ...
    Mannheim: ZEW, 1992
    Book, Printed Resource
  16. Winfried Pohlmeier ; Volker Ulrich
    Mannheim: ZEW, 1992
    Book, Printed Resource
  17. Friedrich Heinemann
    Mannheim: ZEW, 1992
    Book, Printed Resource
  18. Helmut Seitz
    Mannheim: ZEW, 1992
    Book, Printed Resource
  19. Viktor Steiner
    Mannheim: ZEW, 1993
    Book, Printed Resource
  20. Oliver Lang ; Karl-Heinz Nöhrbaß ; Konrad Stahl
    Mannheim: ZEW, 1993
    Book, Printed Resource

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sm 576 - 768
md 768 - 992
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xl 1200 - 1366
xxl 1366 -