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97 Treffer

  1. Salmon, Thomas [Autor/in]
    London: printed for C. Bathurst; W. Strahan; J. and F. Rivington; W. Johnston; J. Hinton; L. Hawes, W. Clarke, and R. Collins; T. Davies; S. Crowder; T. Longman; T. Caslon; B. Law; T. Lowndes; J. and T. Pote; L. Stuart; W. Nicoll; G. Robinson; T. Cadell; and R. Baldwin ; Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 1772; 2009
    Online Buch, Datenträger, Online-Ressource
  2. Payne, John [Autor/in] ; Anderson, Alexander [Sonstige] ; et al.
    New-York: Printed for, and sold by John Low, book-seller, at the Shakespeares Head, no. 332 Water-Street ; Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 1798; 2009-1800
    Online Buch, Datenträger, Online-Ressource
  3. Payne, John [Autor/in]
    Dublin: printed by Zachariah Jackson, (no. 5,) New Buildings, Sackville-Street ; Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 1794; 2009
    Online Buch, Datenträger, Online-Ressource
  4. London: printed for Thomas Astley ; Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 1743; 2009-1747
    Online Buch, Datenträger, Online-Ressource
  5. The biographical and martyrological dictionary: containing the lives, sufferings, and deaths, of the most eminent martyrs and confessors of Christ, From The Earliest Ages Of At The World To The Present Time. Extracted From The scriptures of the Old and New Test Aments, Acts and Monuments, and the Works of the most eminent Writers in several Languages, both ancient and modern, who have made this important Part of History their Study. Including the Life, Sufferings, and Martyrdom [of] our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, ... the Martyrdoms of the Apostles, Evangelists, and other Primitive Christians; The History of some of the most eminent Martyrs and confessions during The Ten Great Persecutions Under The Roman Emperors; Persecutions in Asia and Europe under the Arians. - ... of the Witnesses under Popery, ... the Persecutions in ... and Flanders; the Martyrdoms of Italy; and the ... Barbarities practised by the Inquisition of Spain and ... The History of the Spanish. Invasion,-of the Gun-Powder Plot,-of the Fire of London,-of the Conspiracy in 1668,-of the barbarous Murder of Sir Edmonbury Godirey, and the Design of Parkins, Friend, and Fenwick, for the Re-Establishment of Popery and the Extirpation of the Protestant Religion,-of the Cruelties committed by Judge Jefferies in the West of England,-And of the Persecution against the People called Quakers:-An accurate Account of the Martyrdoms of Scotland, especially under the inauspicious Reigns of Mary, Charles II. and James VI. - And a distinct Narrative of the bloody Massacre of Ireland with a particular Relation of the Cruelties exercised by the Papists in consequence of that detestable Tragedy. - With many other Articles too numerous to be particularized. Forming At Once Complete Biographical Dictionary of Martyrs and Confessors, Upon a more useful and methodical Plan than any that have hitherto appeared. To the whole is annexed, a general index, A Gener++
    Clergyman and others [Autor/in]
    Newcastle upon Tyne: printed by M. Angus, In Drury-Lane, Flesh-Market ; Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 1790; 2009
    Online Buch, Datenträger, Online-Ressource
  6. The life and extraordinary history of the Chevalier John Taylor: Member of the most celebrated academies, Universities, and Societies of the Learned-Chevalier in several of the first Courts in the World-Illustrious (by Patent) in the Apartments of many of the greatest Princes-Ophthalmiate-Pontifical, Imperial and Royal-to His late Majesty-to the Pontifical Court-to the Person of Her Imperial Majesty-to the Kings of Poland, Denmark, Sweden, &c. - to the several Electors of the Holy Empire-to the Royal Infant Duke of Parma-to the Prince of Saxe-Gotha, Serenissime. Brother to her Royal Highness the Princess Dowager of Wales-to the Prince Royal of Poland-to the late Prince of Orange-to the present Princes of Bavaria, Modena, Lorrain, Brunswick, Anspack, Bareith, Leige, Salzbourg, Middlebourg, Hesse-Cassel, Holstein, Zerbst, Georgia, &c. - Citizen of Rome, by a public Act in the Name of the Senate and People-Fellow of that College of Physicians-Professor in Opticks-Doctor in Medicine and Doctor in Chirurgery in several Universities abroad. Who has been on his travels upwards of thirty years with little or no Interruption, during which, he has not only been several Times in every Town in these Kingdoms, but in every Kingdom, Province, State, and City of the least Consideration-in every Court-Presented to every Crowned Head and Sovereign Prince in all Europe, without Exception. Containing the greatest Variety of the most entertaining and interesting Adventures, that, 'tis presumed, has ever yet been published in any Country, or in any Language. Written from authentic materials, and published by his son, John Taylor Oculist. In two volumes
    Taylor, John [Autor/in]
    Dublin: printed for D. Chamberlain in Smock-Alley ; Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 1761; 2009
    Online Buch, Datenträger, Online-Ressource
  7. The strange voyage and adventures of domingo gonsales, to the world in the moon: Containing an account of the Island of St. Helenn, the place where he resided some years in, and where he planned this wonderful voyage; his entering on board one of the home-ward-bound East-India ships, for Spain; their running on the rocks near the pike of Teneiff, to avoid an English squadon of ships that were in pursuit of the Spanish fleet; Gonsales had just time to six his machine, which carried him in safety to the pike of Teneriff, having tested his ganzas on the mountain, whence he was pursued by the savages; when, giving the signal to his birds, they arose in the air with him for their journey to the moon: the wounderful apparitions and devils he met with in his progress; their temptations to him, which he avoided, and their supplying him with choice provisions; his leaving his hellish crew and proceeding on his voyage to the moon; his safe arrival there; the manners, customs, and languages of the emperors, kings, princes, and people; his short stay there, to the great grief of the lunars; the inestimable presents in jewels the author received at his departure; his repassing to our earthly globe again, and was set down in China, by his birds; his being taken for a magician by the country people, and preserved from their say by a Chinese mandarin; his going aboard to India ship bound to Europe; his safe arrival in his own country, where he made his discoveries to the King of Spain, who held several cabinet counsels to deliberate on a proper use to be made of these discoveries. With a description of the pike of Teneriff, as travelled up by some English merchants
    Godwin, Francis [Autor/in]
    The fifth edition. - London: Printed and sold by T. Sabine, No. 81, Shoe Lane, London ; Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 1790; 2009
    Online Buch, Datenträger, Online-Ressource
  8. A new, authentic, and complete edition of Captain Cook's first, second, third and last voyages round the world: undertaken and performed by royal authority, for making new discoveries, &c. viz. His first voyage, undertaken and performed in His Majesty's ship the Endeavour, for observing the transit of Venus, and making discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere and round the world. His second-in His Majesty's ships the Resolution and Adventure, for making discoveries towards the South Pole and round the world. His third and last-in His Majesty's ships the Resolution and Discovery, to the Pacific Ocean, for making more recent discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere, &c. and to determine the position and extent of the west side of North America, its distance from Asia; and the practicability of a northern passage to Europe, &c. &c. Comprehending the life and death of Capt. Cook, Capt. Clerk, &c. Together with a narrative of Capt. Furneaux's proceedings, during the separation of the Adventure and Resolution, in which period several of his people were destroyed by the natives of Queen Charlotte's Sound. Including tables of the various languages of the South Sea islands, with the explanation in English, together with a list of the gentlemen, officers, and men who attended Capt. Cook in his expeditions round the world. In which are incorporated, the substance of other voyages of discovery round the world, &c. viz. those of Lord Byron, Capt. Wallis, Capt. Carteret, &c. Illustrated with near 200 copper-plate engravings, finely executed by the most eminent masters. An entire new edition, taken from the original journals as published in quarto by government, at a most extravagant price. The whole now revised, corrected, and improved, and published on reasonable terms, by Capt. John Hogg, late of the Royal Navy
    Hawkesworth, John [Autor/in] ; Cook, James [Sonstige]
    London: printed for Alex. Hogg, at the King's-Arms, No. 16, Paternoster-Row; and sold by all booksellers and news-carriers in town and country ; Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 1790; 2009
    Online Buch, Datenträger, Online-Ressource
  9. Renolds, George [Autor/in]
    Bristol: printed by J. Penn, bookseller in Wine-Street, for the author ; Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 1721; 2009
    Online Buch, Datenträger, Online-Ressource
  10. Modern history: or, The present state of all nations: Describing their respective situations, persons, habits, buildings, manners, laws and customs, religion and policy, arts and sciences, trades, manufactures and husbandry, plants, animals and minerals. Vol. IV. The third part of the present state of Europe. Containing the present state of Spain and Portugal, with an abstract of the history of these kingdoms down to the year 1730. Also the present state of the British Isles, beginning with that part of Great Britain call'd England, describing the face of the country, the mountains, forests, seas, rivers, fisheries, soil, vegetables, and the several species of animals it produces. 2. The persons and habits of the natives. 3. Their genius and temper, virtues and vices. 4. Their diet, rural sports and other diversions. 5. Their husbandry and gardening: and 6thly and lastly, treats of the several ancient divisions of England, and the modern division of it into circuits and counties, and herein more particulary of the country of Middlesex and city of London, shewing the ancient as well as present state of that metropolis. With an account of the several charitable societies in London; shews how plentifully the town is supply'd with all manner of provisions; and treats of the reception strangers and others meet with; with a variety of other matter necessary towards forming a just notion of the place and people; likewise a description of its various inhabitants, from the nobleman down to the mechanick, their several employments and diversions; treating particulary of plays, and play-houses, masks, gaming, assemblies, mutick-meetings, the ring, the park, &c. As also of the state of the great trading companies. Illustrated with several curious copper-plates of the most remarkable buildings and habits; with maps of the several countries described in this volume, accurately drawn, according to the georgraphical part of this work++
    Salmon, Thomas [Autor/in]
    Dublin: Printed by and for George Grierson, printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, at the King's-Arms and Two Bibles in Essex-Street ; Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 1739; 2009
    Online Buch, Datenträger, Online-Ressource
  11. The strange voyage and adventures of Domingo Gonsales: to the world in the moon. Containing an account of the Island of St. Hellena; the Place where he resided some Years in, and where he planned this Wonderful Voyage; his entering on Board one of the Homeward-Bound East-India Ships for Spain; their running on the Rocks near the Pike of Teneriff, to avoid an English Squadron of Ships, that were in Pursuit of the Spanish Fleet; Gonsales had just Time to fix his Machine, which carried him in Safety to the Pike of Teneriff, having rested his Gansas on the Mountain, whence was pursued by the Savages; when giving the Signal to his Birds, they arose in the Air with him for their Journey to the Moon: The wonderful Apparitions and Devils he met with in his Progress; their Temptations to him, which he avoided, and their supplying him with choice Provisions; his leaving this Hellish Crew, and proceedings on his Voyage to the Moon; his safe Arrival there; the Manners, Customs, and Language of the Emperors, Kings, Princes and People: His short Stay there, to the great Grief of the Lunars; the inestimable Presents in Jewels the Author received at his Departure; his repassing to our Earthly Globe again, and was set down in China by his Birds; his being taken for a Magician by the Country People, and preserved from their Fury by a Chinese Mandarin; his going aboard an India Ship bound to Europe; his safe Arrival in his own Country, where he made his Discoveries to the King of Spain, who held several Cabinet Councils to deliberate on a proper Use to be made of these Discoveries. With a description of the Pike of Teneriff, as travelled up by some English merchants
    Godwin, Francis [Autor/in]
    The second edition. - London: printed by John Lever, Bookseller, Stationer, and Printseller, at Little Moorgate, next to London Wall, near Moorfields ; Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 1768; 2009
    Online Buch, Datenträger, Online-Ressource
  12. The life and extraordinary history of the Chevalier John Taylor: Member of the mostcelebrated Academies, Universities, and Societies of the Learned---Chevalier in several of the first Courts in the World---Illustrious (by Patent) in the Apartments of many of the greatest Princes---Ophthalminter Pontifical, Imperial and Royal---to His late Majesty---to the Pontifical Court---to the Person of Her Imperial Majesty---to the Kings of Poland, Denmark, Sweden, &c. - --to the several Electors of the Holy Empire---to the Royal Infant Duke of Parma---to the Prince of Saxe-Gotha, Serenissime Brother to her Royal Highness the Princess Dowager of Wales---to the Prince Royal of Poland---to the late Prince of Orange---to the present Princes of Bavaria, Modena, Lorrain, Brunswick, Anspach, Bareith, Leige, Salsbourg, Middlebourg, Hesse-Cassel, Holstein, Zerbst, Georgia, &c. - --Citizen of Rome, by a public Act in the Name of the Senate and People---Fellow of that College of Physicians---Professor in Opticles-Doctor in Medicine and Doctor in Chirurgery in several Universities abroad. Who has been on his Travels upwards of thirty Years, with little or no Interruption, during which, he has not only been several Times in every Town in these Kingdoms, but in every Kingdom, Province, State, and City of the least Consideration---in every Court---presented to every Crowned Head and Sovereign Prince in all Europe, without Exception. Containing the greatest Variety of the most entertaining and interesting Adventures, that, 'tis presumed, has ever yet been published in any Country, or in any Language. Written from authentic materials, and published by his son, John Taylor, oculist. In two volumes
    Taylor, John [Autor/in]
    London: printed for M. Cooper, in Paternoster-Row ; Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 1761; 2009
    Online Buch, Datenträger, Online-Ressource
  13. The British jewel: or complete housewife's best companion. Containing I. A Number of the most uncommon and useful Reciues in Cockery, with the Manner of trusing Poultry, Rabbits, Hares, &c. illustrated with curious Cuts, shewing how each is to be trussed. II. The best and most fashionable Recipe for all Manner of Pastry, Pickling, &c. with some general Rules to be observed therein; with a Cut, and proper Directions how to lay a Table for four different Courses, in the present Taste, by the Author, and others. III. Directions for making all Sorts of English Wines, Shrub, Vinegar, Verjuice, Catchup, Sauces, Soups, Jellies, &c. IV. A Table to cast up Expences by the Day, Week, Month, or Year. V. Every Man his own Physician; a valuable Collection of the most approved Recipes for the Cure of most Disorders incident to Man or Woman, by the most eminent Physicians in all Europe. VI. The Manner of preparing the Elixir of Life, Turlington's Balsam, Friar's Balsam, the Court of Ladies Black Sticking Plaister, Lip-Salve, Lady York's Recipt to preserve from the Small-Pox, or Plague, &c the Royal Patent Snuff for the Head and Eyes; Dr. Braken's Powder for the Teeth, a Secret for the Cure of the Tooth-Ach, a speedy Method to destroy Watts or Corns. &c. Vii. Directions for destroying Rats, Mice, Bugs, Fleas, &c. &c. &c. And a choice variety of useful family recipes: Together With A Method of restoring to Life, People apparently drowned; or in any other Manner suffocated. Also the complete farrier, Being the Method of buying, selling, managing, &c. and of the diseases incident to Horses, with their Cures. To which is added, the royal gardener, or monthly calendar. With the particular Months when River Fish Spawn, and are most in Season; and the best Method of Brewing
    London: printed and sold by T. Sabine, No. 81, Shoe Lane, Fleet Street ; Farmington Hills, Mich: Cengage Gale, 1785; 2009
    Online Buch, Datenträger, Online-Ressource

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