
海洋工程學刊/Journal of Coastal and Ocean Engineering



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本研究應用數值模式模擬部分混合河口的殘餘流和鹽分分佈。ELCIRC三維水理模式已建立並應用於淡水河系及其近海水域,數值模式以實測之時序水位、流速與鹽分作爲驗證,驗證結果大致良好。然後數值實驗應用不同的紊流閉合模式搭配不同的背景擴散係數。數值實驗結果顯示,四種紊流閉合模式(k-ke, k-ε, k-ω, 和UB)的結果差異很小,然而模式模擬結果亦顯示,當背景擴散係數高過10^(-4)平方公尺/s時,對鹽分分層與殘餘環流的影響很大。

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In the present study, we reported the measured results of the wind speed and turbulence characteristics for the turbulent boundary layer flow over a two-dimensional embankment with mild slope angle of 3˚, 6˚, 9˚, 12˚, and 15°. The measured profiles of wind speed-up parameter, K(subscript L) at the top of the embankment show that speed-up becomes significantly in the region of Z/Z(subscript ref) <0.4 as the embankment slope angle increases. Here Z is the measured height, and Z(subscript ref) is the turbulent boundary layer thickness. At the heights above Z/Z(subscript ref) >0.4, the differences for the longitudinal turbulence intensity and Reynolds stress become smaller, and they approach to almost the same for embankment with various slope angles. As the wind speed-up parameter, K(subscript L) is scaled by the dimensionless measured height and embankment slope. It is transformed to a dimensionless parameter, S(subscript p). Analysis of the relation between S p and embankment slope angle θ (in radian), the log-log linear function is found and shown as: log[(Z/Z(subscript ref)/S(subscript p)] = -1.973log(θ)-0.204. At the beginning location of embankment top surface with the height Z/Z(subscript ref)= 0.15, it is evident that the lower frequencies power density increase as the flow passed from 0˚ (no embankment existed) changing to embankment slope angle 3˚. But as the embankment slope angle is increasing up to 15˚, the lower frequencies power density decrease, inversely.

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本文以修正型緩坡方程式(MMSE)爲解析波浪折、繞射以及反射共同效應之控制方程式,爲避免求解邊界積分方程式過程中所遭遇的複雜領域積分,應用雙互換邊界元素法(Dual Reciprocity Boundary Element Method, DRBEM)進行求解。數值計算例分別爲Homma圓島與沒水圓形淺灘,並且與Homma圓島之淺水長波解析解、沒水圓形淺灘之實驗值分別進行比較。由於在長波條件下MMSE之底床延伸項較不顯著,因此本文以720 sec 爲入射波週期進行計算,DRBEM-MMSE數值結果與解析解之結果十分吻合。此外,與沒水圓形淺灘實驗值比較結果,顯示DRBEM-MMSE之波浪模式有良好之準確度,對於圓形淺灘後方之計算準確度亦有顯著提升。本文成功的應用雙互換邊界元素法求解修正型緩坡方程式,且由於考量底床延伸項的關係顯著改善DRBEM-MSE之計算準確度。

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本文應用Hsu等人(2003)所提出之EEMSE數值模式,探討波浪通過平面系列潛堤所產生的布拉格共振(Bragg resonace)效應,從數值計算結果分析系列潛堤共振效應和影響參數之關係,並據此選擇適當海域作為設計基地,進一步評估該工法之可行性。文中以新竹港南海域爲例,利用數值模式進行波場模擬,以遮蔽效益參數評估佈置系列潛堤後的消波效果。本文同時以該佈置方案爲例估算建構所需之材料成本,綜合歸納系列潛堤工法之優缺點,藉以說明其於海岸保護上之適用範圍。

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